Sunday, 24 March 2013


By Mohamed Elfatih Ismail
Stories about Sudan focuses more on war and poverty but there is hope and future going by this short piece from a friend in Sudan.

Sudan is one of the war torn countries that is showing signs growth as indicated by its GDP growth rate for some years now. This growth was gained by relying on the oil resources discovered at the end of the last decade. According to Ernst and Young, It was ranked in 2010 as one of the five largest economies in the African sub-Saharan countries. In addition, Sudan has tremendous resources that can be utilized to enable the country to take its position in the regional and the international scene. Although, the referendum results have broken our hearts and ended up shrinking our budget as Sudan now is facing a severe economical downturn (the 2011 GDP growth rate had plummeted by more than -4%), the telecommunication sector is still potential for the existing rivals as well as new entrants.